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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Parents We Are All!

A Conversation on Fathers’ Day.

Happy Fathers’ Day, hon, rewarded yourself on this occasion?
You mean, with a pair of socks, a bottle of cologne or slip-ons?
I did buy me shirts weeks ago; I did not wait to shop for this day,
I needed new clothes and a pair of boxers, by the way.

I will have tea and some of those delicious cookies.
Your greeting is sufficient, but I do prefer your kisses.
Anyway, Happy Parents’ day to the both us, honey.
I bet the malls are jam-packed so I will just watch TV.

Hush, I know I am the best Daddy!
Sure, everyday is Parents’ day, honey!
Yes, you two are my baby!
Bye! Kisses to you and Santi!